Daniel Sharp (b. 1994, Grand Rapids, MI) is a Detroit-based artist, musician, writer, and interdisciplinary organizer. The majority of their work deals with deterioration, social patterns, public policy, and land.

View by medium: VideosSculpture, Social PracticePhotographsInstallationsSounds, Writing, and Prints.

Or view by year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Bio and CV

Train hall one (photograph), 2021.

Métro one (photograph), 2023.

Train hall two (photograph), 2021.

Airport one (photograph), 2022.

Street one (photograph), 2023.

Park one (photograph), 2023.

Street four
(photograph), 2023.

Métro two (photograph), 2023.

Lot one (photograph), 2023.

Lot two (photograph), 2023.

Métro three (photograph), 2023.

Street three (photograph), 2023.

Street five (photograph), 2023.

Street two (photograph), 2023.

Room two (photograph), 2023.

Room one (photograph), 2023.