Daniel Sharp (b. 1994, Grand Rapids, MI) is a Detroit-based artist, musician, writer, and interdisciplinary organizer. The majority of their work deals with deterioration, social patterns, public policy, and land.

View by medium: VideosSculpture, Social PracticePhotographsInstallationsSounds, Writing, and Prints.

Or view by year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Bio and CV


Textbooks, glass jars (packaging paper, 59 x 59 inches), 2015

Damp (2015)

Damp is my sophomore EP. Exploring darker, earthier, and angrier territory than its self-titled predecessor, Damp negotiates the line between natural and unnatural in an electronic environment. It was made directly after two men dumped me in order to get back with their exes. It is about what being “Option B” feels like. It channels the spring.